Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Irish Vote On Lisbon Treaty, Workers' Rights

Just like here in America, Ireland is going through some of its toughest times ever. The people of Ireland are fighting back, democratically, by holding a referendum, a vote, on October 2nd, 2009.
Irish workers want assurity, that their rights are protected. Under the Lisbon Treaty, workers rights throughout the EU are suggested, not protected. There is a huge base of contention, by the way, between workers throughout the nation and Ireland's banks. It's not only the right against the left. It's a basic war of terror brought on by financial entities against people who work for a living.
It seems money is to now be the democratic institution - not people, not religious organizations, not the educational system, not Ireland's form of government, not hospitals nor libraries - but banks.
I suggest, that we pass along the worn and true slogan:

Irish is one of the largest, if not the largest, ethnic groups here in the USA. Let us support our Irish brothers and sisters back home, in the back yard, across the street, at the store or at the corner homeless mission.
It's a proud time for the Irish!


  1. I'm hopeful, that there will be a new message sent to the powers to be:

    Ireland is standing for every worker, and we vote NO to ratifying a treaty, which will further harm our families' way of living.
